Well maybe not the final frontier, i don't even know why i titled my post this, i guess it just sounded cool (in a nerdy kinda way). Anyway, wow its the end of another semester, how quick time flies! So this final post (hopefully not the last from me, i kinda like getting stuff off my chest in a blog, just the last for this subject) is to be "a short summary of their class related online work/activity". Well as my blogs show I'm not the perfect example of presenting on-time postings of online work, but as they say better late than never, and i guess submitting something is better than nothing (shrug). Even though i was constantly behind (both my fault and computer troubles, not going there again lol) going over the readings and the online posts after their actual week I made me, i think learn the topics better. I really did enjoy all the interesting topics, Online worlds, online socialising, mobile phones, blogs and web 2.0 (i hope in covered them all) and i did gain a greater insight in to these new media areas and online posts/work certainly helped that. Actually engaging with the technology is more interesting and practical than theory.
I was always hesitant to set up an online identity, mainly because (one of the psych trademarks of a teenager) is that in real life i still don't know exactly what/who my own identity is. Having my identity online i guess cements it, consolidates it, makes it something separate from me and that is what i tried to avoid. Now after having a substantial presence online through a facebook, myspace, blog and various other accounts to webpages, i realise that its not that bad having an online identity and that like the web, your identity can still be fluid and change online just like it changes in real life. Anyway I hope the readers of my blog (or my one follower Meg) have so far enjoyed my online identity and getting to know me, because i know have enjoyed "webifying" myself. On a final note, my portfolio website is not entirely what i imagined (professionally and content wise) but as stated before, it will constantly change and hopefully be upgraded, but at least it reflects some part of me at that particular time and is my own individual personal web project.
Thanks for a great semester guys, Melissa and Micael, Chris, David and Katie, thanks for all your help and knowledge and Meg thanks for following my blog (effort or no effort) it made blogging so much easier knowing that hopefully i didn't sound like a idiot.....
Friday, October 24, 2008
Website/Webifying Professionalism
Well I finally got my online portfolio website sorted except still have a few linkage issues but hopefully they'll be sorted out soon. I started my website and in my mind it seems a lot different than what it looks like now but ah well, it sorta came out okay I think? I tried doing, along with the bubbles as the theme, an alternative universe type of thing with lots of different characters from different worlds, if that makes sense. Even though it didn't turn out quite like I wanted, it seems okay. My website is a little less professional and a lot less cooler than I imagined in my head lol, but then again this was my first attempt at creating a website with limited computer knowledge, so I did okay. My bubbles as the links idea didn't turn out quites like i wanted, which was meant to be the cursor when moved over a bubble, the bubble would reveal the links but unfortunately I couldn't figure that out given the amount of time I have left :( Then again I can always improve and come back to it later after uni is over and try and fix it but overall im happy with my first draft at a website.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Week 8 The Blogosphere
Okay well in answering the question about blogs dealing with contemporary political issues, i think i accidently answered that question in my week 6 post. ooops..... well the Beppe Grillo video is a perfect example of the power of blogs as a form of political activism and how blogs have changed public debate. The issue i want to deal with in my blog i wasnt really sure, i dont really have extensive knowledge of any one particular issue, my aim for my blog was simply to allow people who know me online to know me a little better as a person, if that is possible online given the whole stalker factor, but in having only 1 follower I think im pretty safe lol.
Week 7 Blogs as a communication form
Blogs are an extremely good form of communication, being online they can be viewed by a large audience and they also cover a wide range of topics such as being an informative blog (Politcal Blog) or a story/enjoyable blog (Clever Girl goes Blog). I personally enjoy the feature that blogs are easy to read and are written in a casual tone (so much more enjoyable to read than an academic article, no offence academics so of yours are good). Blogs, being online are not subjectto censorshipand governemtnal control and thus are also effective as a startegy for political activism. Here is a video (from a BCM106 Lecture)which pretty much sums up all my opinions of the power and advantages of Blogs.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Week 12 Online Worlds

At October Country in Second Life

A Free Store in SL

At the Amusement Park

In Second Life France
Wow I was totally amazed when I became a member of Second Life, all the amazing possibilities that you can do in that world. I really enjoyed Katie's lecture and her explaining all the stuff that you can do in Second life. I knew that people used it as another form to socialise but what amazed me was particularly the learning aspect, that people go online in a virtual world to study and learn languages and other stuff and the fact that it was also used as a virtual tour guide, like wow (my picture from second life is from the virtual Champs de Ellise, i hope i spelt that right in France). I really would have enjoyed doing the reflection essay on this topic but having another major essay for another subject on the same day made me choose my reflection essay topic of Mobile Phones. This was also very interesting but there is some new and exciting quality about second life and online worlds that is more exciting to Mobile phones (sorry).
Anyway socially Second life was an interesting experience, I made 5 friends really easily they were so helpful and friendely in showing me place to go, do and see and even helping me with basic functions to use Second life. They even gave me locations to free stores and one of my Friends even gave me money (5 linden dollars)to use on the bumper cars at an amusement park (how nice!).They also have many social norms that are different from real life. Although I never did it bumping into other people is seen as quite inappropriate and so is the use of typed slang or bad language. I tried really hard not to type txt language and use correct English but i couldn't stop my use of emoticons, but nobody said anything about it which was good. I unfortunately didn't get a chance to see other social behavioural norms, except i really enjoyed how they used initiation/place cards when you visited different islands, describing all the things you can do and see there and their regular social events.
On the discussion of Landamoo's decision to kill Mr Bungle, I'm not sure if that measure was necessary, because death is final and ultimate and offers no second chances. But then again its not real life and therefore they couldn't really effectively enforce/constrain him legally, so death was the best option. Although I'd rather use the term 'ejected' from the online world rather than death.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Week 6 Web Theory
Part 1: Passivity and Activity
To be honset due to the bad condition of my home PC computer (the family computer), my computer mediated activity isl imited to just checking/receiving/replying to emails, the internet and using word to type up assignments. None of these uses are relatively active as I dont rely on them to much to communicate. Unlike games or other creative content, using these functions on the computer does not really increase my need for further engagement or investment with them. My needs of these uses similarly does not really change.
Part 2: Exemplars to the Cultural production Thesis
Firstly, to bring everyone (and myself) up to speed, The Cultural production thesis refers to new media and computer mediated communication and how it allows for greater production by consumers in creating new or improved media content. Old media technologies such as the radio and television cannot do this. Content is consumer/user generated and can include blogs, videos on youtube, artwork of favorite TV shows/movie uploaded to fansites, and soooo much more.Doing an assignment about the movie Juno and its online fansite last semester was interesting. I was amazed at the amount and range of consumer generated content on Juno. I could get free ring tones of movie quotes and consumer made tshirts, posters and art created by fans.
Being new to Blogger, I don't exactly know how to leave comments on other Blogs, at least I've added them (the correct term for blogger is 'follower' sorry for the confusion.) Anyway looking/reading other peoples excellent blogs, I feel like I've just been talking a lot of bull on mine :( Anyway unlike mine everyone is generally up to date on their posts unlike my mixed mash of posting form different weeks. They also have decorated ther is soooo much more and better than mine (hopefully this will change by end of semester), they also seem to post more concisely and to the point than me which makes for easier reading (I will definitely have to work on these blog points).
To be honset due to the bad condition of my home PC computer (the family computer), my computer mediated activity isl imited to just checking/receiving/replying to emails, the internet and using word to type up assignments. None of these uses are relatively active as I dont rely on them to much to communicate. Unlike games or other creative content, using these functions on the computer does not really increase my need for further engagement or investment with them. My needs of these uses similarly does not really change.
Part 2: Exemplars to the Cultural production Thesis
Firstly, to bring everyone (and myself) up to speed, The Cultural production thesis refers to new media and computer mediated communication and how it allows for greater production by consumers in creating new or improved media content. Old media technologies such as the radio and television cannot do this. Content is consumer/user generated and can include blogs, videos on youtube, artwork of favorite TV shows/movie uploaded to fansites, and soooo much more.Doing an assignment about the movie Juno and its online fansite last semester was interesting. I was amazed at the amount and range of consumer generated content on Juno. I could get free ring tones of movie quotes and consumer made tshirts, posters and art created by fans.
Being new to Blogger, I don't exactly know how to leave comments on other Blogs, at least I've added them (the correct term for blogger is 'follower' sorry for the confusion.) Anyway looking/reading other peoples excellent blogs, I feel like I've just been talking a lot of bull on mine :( Anyway unlike mine everyone is generally up to date on their posts unlike my mixed mash of posting form different weeks. They also have decorated ther is soooo much more and better than mine (hopefully this will change by end of semester), they also seem to post more concisely and to the point than me which makes for easier reading (I will definitely have to work on these blog points).
Friday, October 3, 2008
Week 5 Web 2.0, Children and New Media Uses
Toys/games have I believe, always shaped children's identity. Kids have always become emotionally attached to toys/games, I used to have my absolute favourite toy (too embarrassing to mention) when i was little. I still see it now at my work in a video store with kids crying over having the latest Dora the Explorer or Ben10 DVDs. With new media and computer mediated communication, however I think (just an assumption) it fosters a greater connection to toys then normal non-digitised toys. Computer mediated communication, toys and games are very interactive and therefore increases connection in the relationship between the kids and their game/toy. This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of computer mediated games/toys is that they are so interactive, that they expand and engage with kids imaginations. Disadvantage is that it could be another great method of marketing and commercialisation. I still dont exactly know where to stand on the issue, except that I know I wish I had some of these cool games/toys when I was a kid.
Week 11 Mobile Media
Week 11, yay no work this week but a little holiday! (Aim of the postthis week was just to trick my follower Meg into thinking I had a real post for this week, sorry meg ;) ) Come to think of it I actually better do a real catch up post........
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